Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gesunde Cocktail-Rezepte - alkoholische Tee-Getränke

Gesunde Cocktail-Rezepte - alkoholische Tee-Getränke
Frühling ist fast sprung.  Das bedeutet, dass es nicht ist, lange zuvor wir einiges Feiern aufkommendes.   haben; Werden Sie zu Ostern, zu den Bestätigungen, zu den Staffelungen, zu den Duschen und zu den Hochzeiten, fertig einige gerade zu nennen.   Wenn Sie einen Schlag mit Ihren Gästen bilden möchten und Ihre Antioxidansniveaus gleichzeitig aufladen, versuchen Sie alkoholische Teegetränke der Umhüllung!   Ja können Sie Ihre Antioxydantien haben und [...] trinken
Spring is nearly sprung.� That means it won't be long before we have a number of celebrations coming up.� Get ready for Easter, confirmations, graduations, showers and weddings, just to name a few.�

If you want to make a hit with your guests, and boost your antioxidant levels at the same time, try serving alcoholic tea drinks!� Yes, you can have your antioxidants and drink your cocktails, too!

Along with the run-of-the-mill beverages always served at parties and get-togethers, why not serve something different, unique and healthy at the same time?� The answer is to serve alcoholic tea drinks.�

The mixes come in different colors/flavors, and can be served in cosmo or martini glasses - garnished with fresh fruit - for a refreshing change to the standard fare.� Not only are these drinks delicious, but they are light and perfect for serving in the warmer weather that will soon (hopefully soon) be upon us.

Alcoholic tea drinks are made by steeping alcohol and tea together, mixing it up with flavorful fixings and served in a cool glass to impress your guests.�

The best thing about these drinks is the tea, which is infused together with the alcohol.� It is a healthy alternative to your standard cocktail.� A perfect, crisp, light and refreshing cocktail will make your guests remember the party long after it's over.

These drinks, while delicious, are also chock full of free radical fighting antioxidants, which your body can use to fight off the damage free radicals can cause in your body.� White tea has the highest level of antioxidants, and can be found in these delicious cocktail mixes.�

If you've been reading this blog, then you know the importance of getting more antioxidants into your body.� Here you have another fun, cool, super easy way to get more of them.

If you are like me, you are always looking for simple ways to stay healthy.� The great thing about an antioxidant cocktail is that it looks festive, has a delicious taste and keeps me healthy.� Can it get any better than that?

If you want to serve up something fun, original and healthy in the upcoming party months, consider serving alcoholic tea drinks!


Eine f�r den Patienten und f�r die Patientinnen durchgef�hrte, verst�ndliche Aufkl�rung �ber die penis vergroessern erspart den Betroffenen viele �ngste.

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